Rock Nation | The Italian online Magazine interviews Slinky Vagabond


Rock Nation interviews Slinky Vagabond.

Rock Nation, Italian online Magazine interviews  Fabio Fabbri/ Slinky Vagabond guitarist, composer and producer, at Polimoida International  Fashion Scool of Florence.            

The interview  was made June 2021. 

” Fabio  Fabbri is a rocker. There are few artists like him in Italy. 

For him Music is everything.  It’s attitude, it’s feeling, it’s a way for him to express himself much better than  words. 

 Both as session man and solo artist,  and 4 albums  as member  of the rock band General Stratocuster and the Marshals,  Fabio has gone ahead with  his idea of Rock’n Roll where past and present blend together with the aim of reaching an  equilibrium which will always be different. 

 The encounter with Keanan Duffty, musician and fashion designer, at Polimoda Fashion School of Florence, has been one of the many  surprises that has characterised Fabio’s career. 

 Their debut together as Slinky Vagabond and the debut album “ King Boy Vandals” , that was born during the pandemic, is a little miracle in which  illustrious collaborations such as Midge Ure ( Ultravox, Visage, Thin Lizzy ), Dave Formula ( Visage, Magazine), Martin Turner (Wishbone Ash) David Torn ( David Bowie), Richard Fortus ( Guns N’Roses) e Tony Bowers (Simply Red), have taken place. 

Destiny is the keyword around which  Fabio’ s history develops, and this is the story that today he is ready to tell us. “

 Fabio thanks NS, Sara e Massimiliano at Polimoda for having hosted this interview in their wonderful school.